Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Garment sewing

Garment Sewing 

I'm away from my sewing machines right now helping someone who needed an extra pair of 
hands & some extra prayers .  Being away has given me some time to reflect on just what my sewing 
goals are .  I do love garment sewing - garments were my first ever sewing projects & 
are still my first love. Then why am I not sewing more garments ?
Hard question to answer - if I am really honest it's because of my weight & not feeling good in clothes . But the other part of that is fitting . I need to make a more concerted effort to fit garments properly. I certainly have enough book, articles & Craftsy classes that I ought to be able to figure this out. It's not so much a time issue as a motivation issue .
I think I need to give this more thought & start taking steps in the direction of making great fitting clothes .

PS - this is not a woe is me post . Just some thinking out loud 😍
Day 3 of my mission of mercy is wearing me out a tiny bit , but spending time with loved ones is worth that . 


  1. I think it's so hard to fit yourself. You create more wrinkles trying to look at your back. Things move - the only way I've successfully done this is with pictures - that someone else takes. but most of all - be kind to you! Dress the body you have now. :) g

  2. Thank you for your very nice comments . I think nice fitting clothes make you look & feel better . Need to enlist hubby for pictures for fitting . Thanks also for your comments on IG about R & F . Took my picture today so I can compare results .
