Friday, March 8, 2019

New Post - still sewing

Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. I got a little burned out on blogging - NOT sewing . 
I so appreciate all those who blog as I love reading blogs. IG has taken over so much of blogging , but I decided to give it another shot .
I have been sewing ALOT. 

My lace blouse from Helen Haughey’s lace class in New Orleans in January is almost finished . I’m working really hard to finish UFOs . I love the fabric & lace on this top . The hand sewing is very relaxing , but I am anxious to finish & move on .
I also snuck in another Blackwood Cardigan during our recent cold weather snap. 
Of course there is always time to sew for a very special GD💗💗

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Promenade Fabrics & Fancy Tiger Crafts Fen Dress

Promenade Fabrics is a great Indpependent fabric store in New Orleans . I met one of the family who owns this store last year a Susan Khalje’s Couture class . He drove a truck of fabric to Houston . This year Susan Khalje’s class was in New Orleans so we got to visit the store in person . It was heaven .
They have a wonderful website & I have ordered from it . 
They have the best customer service .
Another fabric store shout out to Roz at Sewmuchfabric. She also has great selections & customer service .

This casual dress is Fen from Fancy Tiger crafts in Denver . 
It’s a boxy ,casual dress. I like the overall look but wanted it a bit more fitted so I added more darts in the waist area. 
The fabric is very drapey so I could dress this up very easily ! 
Also I wrote my first review for Pattern Review ! Very easy to do & im no longer just a stalker 👀 
Happy Sewing 

Monday, August 20, 2018

Susan Khalje Couture Class

Another Susan Khalje class 
I was privileged to attend my second Susan Khalje Couture class the first week of August is New Orleans . 
There were many of the same wonderful ladies in class from last year as well as some new faces. All the ladies are so helpful & encouraging. Susan is of course the most encouraging & patient teacher .

I made Susan couture skirt pattern & guess what I was 90 % finished when I left NOLA. 
I bought all my fabric at the fabulous Promenade Fabrics in NOLA. 
If you haven’t checked out this wonderful store check out their website - they have amazing fabric & I was thrilled to go there in person . 
It was my first time using Guipere lace . I was very intimidated to buy & sew on this gorgeous lace . Susan & fellow class mates made it easy to start . 
Funny thing - 3 of us made navy lac skirts . One friend came with her fabric & 2 of us blatantly copied her😘😘.
But I am hooked - I love this pattern & also bought lace for the next skirt while at Promenade . 
Susan Khalje is starting a Facebook club membership which will have lots of info, freebies & fun 

Happy Sewing 
Now to clean the sewing room 

Friday, July 20, 2018

Charity quilt finished - now back to our regularly scheduled sewing

Good morning 

This blog has been sorely neglected . I know I don’t have many followers, but it has always been a way to record what I make. So I would like to make an attempt to get back to blogging . Plus I love reading sewing blogs !! 
I decided in May to take a break from charity sewing for the summer. I was & still am very burned out . I belong to a group that makes baby items for the hospitals . It’s a wonderful group but I have been co chair for the last 3 years . Most of my personal sewing has at times had to taken a back seat. 
I alternate between knowing there is a great need for these baby items & wanting to sew things I’d like to sew . 
But I did finish a charity quilt for a group very near & dear to my heart. The National MPS Society is a support group which promotes research & family support for those affected by this devastating disease. My niece died of this disease at age 17. 
This quilt is a labor of love . The squares were made & designed by adults affected by MPS . 

I recently was able to save this printed voile ! It was originally another pattern but just wasn’t working for me. So I re made into this Simplicity top. I had to remake this after wearying &took out about 4 inches from the back. 
This success has spurred me to access & finish more sewing for ME
Happy Sewing 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Vacation Sewing Not finished

Vacation Sewing plans not finished 😂
I had many plans for garments to finish before leaving town , but didn’t get them all done . 
I was feeling blue & disappointed in myself earlier . As with most of us I had too many irons in the fire. But I have cleaned up my sewing room and finished a few embroidery projects . 
I don’t feel I’m as productive as I think I should be , but have to remember Sewing is a fun,relaxing hobby that I am very privledged to enjoy .
A new skirt & a new top will be fun to wear !! 
Happy Sewing 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Meeting Rhonda Buss !!!Haute Couture Club of Chicago

The Haute Couture Club of Chicago held it’s annual luncheon & fashion show this past Sunday .
It was truly a highlight for me to attend . There was so much nspiration in the 60 plus garments made by the members . The top left picture shows a 97 yr old member who made the coat she’s wearing !!!
I attended with a friend Andrea Birkan  . I met Andrea last year at Susan Khalje’s class in Houston. 
Andrea took the day on Thursday to take me to her favorite Chicago fabric stores .
Andrea modeled several of her amazing Couture garments ! She is such a generous friend !!

Cenetta Burrell was also in the show with numerous garments . I follow her on IG as well as her blog -They Mahogany Stylist . 
She made many wonderful garment for herself & her family .

The highlight for me was meeting Rhonda Buss . I have followed Rhonda’s blog -Rhonda’s Creative life since I first returned to garment sewing about 8 years ago. She has such great style & her blog is always so positive & full of helpful sewing tips & inspiration .

I was also able to visit my sister ,her kids , cousins & 2 -90 yr old aunts .
It was a memorable weekend !! 
Time to Sew 

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Tunic Bible & Blackwood Cardigan - Stylemaker Fabrics

Lots of sewing , just not much blogging ! 
My second Tunic Bible is a 2sided knit from Stylemaker Fabrics . It’s a cotton /poly & sewed up like a dream . It has an eyelet look to it . I’m glad I was able to incorporate both sides in this dress . I’m looking forward to dressing it up & down . I love the tunics from Tunic Bible & love the fact that this pattern is now my TNT . Once you fit it , endless options open up ! 
A while back I finished my first Blackwood Cardigan . I also loved this pattern . My fabric was mostly poly so  topstitching was a major challenge . I love the length . I didn’t love that DH called it a lab coat.  But what do men know about fashion . It’s a wonderful sweater ! 
I have fabric ready to cut out for both of these patterns - they are keepers ! 
Happy Sewing